In this study, the researchers used a variety of target identification and prioritization techniques offered by the AI-powered PandaOmics platform, to propose a list of promising novel aging-associated targets that may be used for drug discovery.
Aging (Aging-US) Authors
Aging recently compiled a new Special Collection of research publications co-authored by renowned researcher Dr. Steve Horvath.
Impact Journals is proud to participate at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) 2022 annual meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, from April 8-13, 2022.
Aging Editorial Board member Andrei V. Gudkov, PhD, DSci, discusses his 2017 research paper published by Aging, entitled, “p16(Ink4a) and senescence-associated β-galactosidase can be induced in macrophages as part of a reversible response to physiological stimuli.”
Dr. Velia Fowler and Dr. Catherine Cheng discuss a 2019 research paper they co-authored that was published by Aging (Aging-US), entitled, “Age-related changes in eye lens biomechanics, morphology, refractive index and transparency.”
Researchers discuss their 2019 study published by Aging, entitled, “Conclusions from a behavioral aging study on male and female F2 hybrid mice on age-related behavior, buoyancy in water-based tests, and an ethical method to assess lifespan.”
Dr. Dale Bredesen from UCLA describes his research that was published by Aging (Aging-US) in 2020, entitled, “Alzheimer’s disease as a systems network disorder: chronic stress/dyshomeostasis, innate immunity, and genetics.”
Dr. Lei Feng discusses a 2019 research paper he co-authored that was published by Aging (Aging-US), entitled, “Habitual tea drinking modulates brain efficiency: evidence from brain connectivity evaluation.”