Dr. David Sinclair from Harvard Medical School and member of the Aging Editorial Board details his review published by Aging on May 29, 2020, entitled, “Why does COVID-19 disproportionately affect older people?“
Aging (Aging-US) Authors

Dr. Judith Campisi discusses her priority research paper published in 2021 by Aging, entitled, “Cdkn1a transcript variant 2 is a marker of aging and cellular senescence.”

Dr. Michael Lisanti describes his 2020 paper published by Aging, entitled, “COVID-19 and chronological aging: senolytics and other anti-aging drugs for the treatment or prevention of corona virus infection?”

Dr. Gil Atzmon from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine discusses his 2017 study published by Aging, entitled, “The complex genetics of gait speed: genome-wide meta-analysis approach.”

Dr. Marina Antoch from Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center discusses her 2017 study published by Aging, entitled: “Physiological frailty index (PFI): quantitative in-life estimate of individual biological age in mice.”

Dr. Kara Fitzgerald details her publication by Aging, entitled, “Potential reversal of epigenetic age using a diet and lifestyle intervention: a pilot randomized clinical trial”.

Dr. Alex Zhavoronkov discusses his 2020 research paper published by Aging, entitled, “Geroprotective and senoremediative strategies to reduce the comorbidity, infection rates, severity, and lethality in gerophilic and gerolavic infections.”